What is urethral stricture? What are the symptoms and treatment

The urethra is a thin pipe that carries urine. It starts from the bladder and ends to the urinary hole, so the urine can be flushed out the body. Normally, the urethra is wide enough to pass urine, but due to some reason, the narrowing of urethra restrict the flow of the urine smoothly in the canal. This is known as urethral stricture. If you think of having a thorough check-up for this, it will be much better to consult a Urologist in Bangalore . What is urethral stricture? The shrinking of the urethra is known as urethral stricture, which is caused due to the presence of scar tissue or tissue inflammation in the urethra. Men with penile implants and boys with hypospadias surgery have more chances of getting urethral stricture. There are several causes of urethral stricture, they are described below. ● Straddle injuries ● Getting hit at an area close to the scrotum ● ...