How to Keep Our Bones Healthy

Bones are a crucial part of our body. They provide structure, anchor muscles, protect organs and store calcium. We all know that it is important to take steps to ensure strong and healthy bones during childhood as well as adolescence but you can adopt measures during adulthood too to improve your bone health. Now, you may choose to consult the doctor for a prescribed list of medications or a diagnosis of your skeletal health - for that you can visit the best orthopaedic hospitals in Bangalore ( Read More ) boarded with the most famous orthopaedic doctors in Bangalore to seek professional advice - but there are also ways to control bone health, which are quite easy to practice without the need for medications and produce excellent results if performed regularly.

Before we get into the ways to keep our bones healthy it is important that we learn what factors affect our bone health. These generally include:
       The amount of calcium in our diet.
       Physical activity.
       Tobacco and alcohol use.
       Race and family history
       Hormone levels
       Eating disorders and other conditions
       Certain medications.
The strength of your bones depends highly on the aforementioned aspects and hence it is essential that the practices you adopt to improve your bone health are based on these factors. Below are a few steps that can help you keep your bones in the pink of good health.

1. Make Healthy Food Choices

The bones require a variety of nutrients like calcium and vitamins, C, D and K out of which calcium can be found profoundly in low-fat dairy products, many of which are even fortified with vitamin D. Calcium can also be found in non dairy food items like sardines, salmon, tuna, mackerel, white beans and tofu.  Fruits and vegetables nourish you with these important vitamins and minerals as well. Calcium and vitamin K can be obtained from collard greens, kale, spinach, broccoli and cabbage.  Vitamin C can be adequately found in red and green bell peppers, oranges, Brussels sprouts, strawberries and pineapples. Also, too much saturated fat intake can cause a high level of homocysteine – a chemical that leads to a decrease in bone mass.
Let’s have a quantitative look into the requirements of these nutrients:
   Calcium: For adults between 19 and 50 and men between 51 and 70, the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) is 1,000 milligrams (mg) of calcium per day. For women, after age 50 the recommendation increases to 1,200 mg a day and for men the same increases after 70. Try visiting the best orthopaedic hospitals in Bangalore to get your body’s calcium content tested.
     Vitamin D:  Vitamin D is needed by the body to absorb calcium. The RDA of vitamin D for adults between 19 and 70, is 600 international units (IUs) a day. For adults aged 71 and older the recommendation increases to a daily intake of 800 IUs. When you find it hard to get the required amount of vitamin D from your diet, ask the doctor for supplements.

2. Avoid drinking and smoking
You should quit smoking. Women should avoid drinking an alcoholic drink more than one per day and men should limit themselves to two alcoholic drinks a day.

3. Exercise and Maintain a Healthy Body Weight

Healthy eating along with regular exercise is a crucial recommendation for osteoporosis prevention and treatment, and also provides better pay-off than just following a balanced diet. Bones can be strengthened with the help of weight-bearing exercises by making them produce more cells. Even famous orthopaedic doctors in Bangalore will say the same about the need for exercise in your routine. The most advised exercises for building stronger and healthier bones are brisk walking, dancing or aerobics and muscle­ strengthening. But it is always important to get your doctor’s consent before starting a new physical activity.

4. Spend Some Time in the Sun

The skin makes vitamin D if placed under the exposure of the sun and spending as little as five to 30 minutes in early sunlight a couple of times a week can improve the overall level of vitamin D in your system.

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  3.  Best Hospital in Bangalore 


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